Individual, Personal, & Professional

Self and Home Defence Training
Developing A Personal and Home Protection Plan
VINCO Instructors help you with your self and home defense journey and developing your personal and home defense plan. We leverage our experience to help guide you in gaining the confidence and knowledge you need. VINCO specializes in personalized, professional and individualized instruction.
Legal Use of Force
Leveraging the experience of Vinco Training instructors, we guide the participant through the Legal Use of Force. This is a discussion based course where your participation helps guide you through the murky waters of legally using force.
Self Defense Firearms Basics
Thinking of purchasing a firearm for self-defense? Do you want to know your options? Invest some time prior to making your investment so you can make an informed decision. VINCO Training provides small group instruction to ensure you get your questions answered. Individual, Personal, and Professional instruction to empower you.
Utah Non-Resident Concealed Carry Permit
This is a 4 hour block of classroom instruction to satisfy the training requirements for the State of Utah to issue a non-resident concealed carry permit. Class fee includes fingerprinting.
For more information from the Utah BCI click here.
For Utah CCW Reciprocity information click here.
*Participant will be responsible for the State of Utah permit fee and providing passport style photographs. If interested in hosting this training, the organizer’s class fee is waived, minimum 10 students.
LEOSA Yearly Training and Qualification
In this class, we meet the requirements for the State of PA LEOSA training and firearms qualification. Following current MPOETC guidelines, we will cover the following topics: Safe firearms handling, general principles of justification and firearms qualification. MPOETC requires qualification with each type of weapon you will be carrying. Participant will provide their own range safety equipment and 100 rounds of ammunition for each type of weapon for qualification.
For more information on PA State LEOSA click here.